The Reformed Congregation of the Most Holy Trinity is, not too surprisingly, a congregation of Christians who adhere to the Reformed faith as expressed by the historic Reformed confessions, and who by God’s providence find themselves in Karlovy Vary. Our congregation has been meeting since 2021 and we hope and believe that God will give us many faithful and fruitful decades (or, hopefully, centuries).

For this reason, in 2022, we joined the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches ( as a mission church of Evangelical Reformed Church, Wrocław (

We subscribe to the historical Christian Creeds and to the Reformed Christianity of men like Martin Bucer, John Nevin or Abraham Kuyper. We are convinced that the Reformed tradition is the most biblical and richest expression of Christianity so far, but of course we are aware that God has his people across traditions, and above all we believe and confess that the only infallible standard of faith and life is Scripture.

– We believe in a big Great Commission, and we are firmly persuaded it will be fulfilled. 
– We understand that Christ is King, and thus Christianity is not a personal devotional hobby, but a joyful confession that He must acknowledge and adored as the Lord over all.
– We know that neutrality is a myth. The Bible is absolutely authoritative in everything it talks about. And it talks about absolutely everything.
– We emphasize the importance of robust worship and of the sacramental life of the church.
– We anticipate the future with joy, because we know that God blesses His faithful from generation to generation. All hands on deck, the future is ours!
– We love the Church, and we want to see her being faithful to her Lord.

We will be glad to see you, answer any questions, and to worship with you. But don’t say we didn’t warn you.